The JPSO strives to provide a competitive salary for all of its positions, whether civil, corrections, law enforcement or other. Below is a salary schedule for selected positions:

Position Annual Base Pay Annual State Pay* Total Pay
Recruit $39,000.00 N/A $39,000.00
Deputy 1** $51,000.00 $7200.00 $58,200.00
Deputy 2** $53,520.00 $7200.00 $60,720.00
Deputy 3** $56,040.00 $7200.00 $63,240.00
Deputy 4** $58,560.00 $7200.00 $65,760.00
Corrections 1* $39,000.00 $7200.00 $46,200.00
Corrections 2* $41,580.00 $7200.00 $48,780.00
Corrections 3* $44,160.00 $7200.00 $51,360.00
Telecommunications 1 $38,100.00 N/A  
Dispatcher 1 $42,300.00 N/A  
Dispatcher 2 $44,400.00 N/A  
Dispatcher Asst. Supervisor $47,400.00 N/A  
Dispatcher Supervisor $52,800.00 N/A  
Clerk $36,600.00 – $44,100.00 N/A  

Effective as of Feb. 16, 2025.

JPSO also provides longevity pay at the rate of $3,000 for every five years of service.  So, after 5 years, the employee will earn an additional $3,000 per year ($250 per month) over his or her base pay.  After 10 years, the employee will earn $6,000 per year ($500 per month), and so on up to 25 years of service.

JPSO also provides increases in deputy/detective base pay, Deputy 1 through Deputy 4, dependent upon the recommendation of supervisors, years of service, and education such as college degrees, college credit, and additional law enforcement training.

*POST certified officers, serving in a law enforcement capacity, also receive Deputy Sheriff’s supplemental pay from the State of Louisiana.  This equates to $7,200 per year.

**Based on a 14-day, 84-hour work period.